In A Down Economy Top Talent is Worth It’s Weight In Gold

Consulting and Recruiting Management Solutions

Your Direct Pipeline
To Top-Producing Sales and Marketing Talent

There’s no room for error for firms that want to thrive and grow, especially as low-producing sales talent gets exposed.
At Kyle Sabourin Consulting, we make it our mission to match visionary firms with the kind of hard-charging sales talent needed for massive growth.

This isn’t just our job. It’s our passion.

Real Talent
Is More Than Just A Resume

People hire people. Not resumes, buzzwords, acronyms or artificial intelligence.

You have a great product. Talented engineers. Visionary leadership.

But without Rockstar Talent driving revenue, none of that matters in an economy where every inch counts.

You need a high-octane sales team of top-performers to make your vision a reality.

Yet when LinkedIn and job boards are full of C-Level reps who are looking for a place to hide, and the real A-Player ‘hunters’ are too busy driving revenue to apply, building a team whose talent and expertise match your vision isn’t just a challenge. 


That’s where we come in. 

We understand that real sales talent needs to be headhunted, because they are rarely ‘on-the-market,’ and when they are, they get snatched up immediately.

If you’re tired of candidates who never quite seem to last more than a couple of years in their prior companies, or candidates who lie about their past performance, or candidates who lack contemporary ability, or candidates who turn over after flaming out in their first few months, you’re in the right place.

Not only do we directly ‘hunt’ your competitors' best talent, but we work hard to perfect the art of match-making: pairing talented people with visionary leaders and high-growth companies that can do far more together than separately.



We know that the magic only happens with the right combination of genuine talent, visionary leaders, and mission-driven companies. That’s why we strive to look beyond job requirements and resumes that don’t speak to the real value that great sales talent can add.

While we pride ourselves on our ability to ‘hunt’ hunters, our true expertise is knowing people: people who are genuine, talented, capable, and who deliver results.  

We designed a system from the ground up to eliminate the guesswork and frustration from the typical hiring process, and to make hiring your next future superstar as easy as booking a call with us.

Our System 

Success doesn’t happen by accident. It’s the product of hard work, the right strategy, and a dash of creativity.  

We’ve designed our process to promote a partnership where our hard work earns your trust, the right strategy gets you the sales talent you most desire, and a dash of creativity makes sure that your opportunity is one that top producers will be clamoring for.

Now more than ever, top talent always has options. We’ve designed our process with that in mind, so you can win against your competition while still maintaining your professionalism and integrity.

That’s why we’ve designed our unique ‘hunting’ system. Our 24/7/365 digital marketing platform is an ‘always on’ platform that engages A-Player sales talent that you won’t find on the job boards.

This frees up our recruiters to work in a way that’s more human; focusing our energy on what’s important – bringing talent and opportunity together in one of three ways:


With today’s war for talent, let us build a customized search designed to put your opportunity in front of ‘off-market’ top-producers working for your competitors… 

BEFORE they hit the open market.

That means having the first crack at selling your company before any of your competitors see your star candidate’s resume.


Do you have a need that requires discretion?

Talk to us about the best way to approach a confidential search.

We can provide offsite meeting locations where you can engage with a selected group of candidates that match your hiring profile, all while maintaining the utmost discretion.


One of the most difficult functions of management is having to lay someone off. Even worse, having to layoff an entire department.  

If you find yourself in this situation, give us a call. We will soften the blow by offering resume critiquing, interview coaching, and a custom search for each person.

This is a free service for all clients.